Do You Love Your Hair?

Hair You Love

That’s our InStyle Hair Studio promise to you.

  • Shawna

Do you love your hair?

How long have you been with your stylist? Has it been two months, two years, ten years, or maybe even 20 years?

If you have been with your stylist for over two years and have monthly or bimonthly visits you are likely now friends. But are you happy with your hair? Do you have the kind of relationship with your stylist where you can be open and honest? This is HUGE! If you can’t tell your stylist that you are ready for a change and your stylist hasn’t offered that service then this relationship will not last. You will end up unhappy and your stylist will be completely unaware. This conversation should be the start of every visit, before coffee and before the personal chats.

Hair first! Then get caught up!

Maybe you have asked for changes, and you just aren’t getting the look you are wanting. This is okay, your stylist wants you to be happy. So, the conversation needs to happen that maybe you would like to try another stylist in the salon. This is okay, your hairstylist works with friends and those friends are all a part of your family. They all want to see you happy and loving your new look! No hurt feelings should ever take place in a salon, if your salon works as a team. You should never feel guilty for wanting to try something or someone new! Never! You don’t need to explain or make excuses you just need to ask to reschedule your next appointment with so and so.

Your Hair is Who You Are.

Like I have always said, your hair is who you are! If you are not feeling good in your hair you won’t feel good in your makeup, your clothes, your kitchen, or in your car. I could go on, but I think you get it! You pay good money monthly to feel your best, so please don’t feel obligated to your stylist of 5 or even 25 years just because you are friends!

Have the chat before every appointment: little changes or big changes? Or maybe no changes at all. These chats will build a SOLID relationship with your stylist!

Love the hair you are wearing!



Picture of Author: Shawna Small

Author: Shawna Small

Owner, InStyle Hair Studio
Shawna has owned Instyle Hair Studio for 20+ Years. She is also an avid fitness and wellness instructor. Follow her on Instagram or Facebook @InstyleKincardine

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